There’s a reason everyone is talking about The Escaporium in general, and Area 51 ½ in particular, and it’s not just because people love aliens. Area 51 ½ is charming, beautifully designed, and full of puzzle perfection.
The Escaporium
The Escaporium: A Christmas Advent-ure (Halifax)
Normally, we at Review the Room do not mesh well with games themed around the jolly holidays, but Christmas Advent-ure doesn’t feel like your typical Christmas game
The Escaporium: Operation Moonshine (Halifax)
Operation Moonshine was a lovely game with solid puzzles and a set that felt ‘right’. It’s a game that starts off small but soon opens up into a larger space with an abundance of puzzles.
The Escaporium: Crux Codicillus (Halifax)
I don’t know what I was expecting from Crux Codicillus (other than crocodiles, which it definitely does not have), but what I got was a thoroughly satisfying who dunnit mystery in an absolutely stunning building.
The Escaporium: The Haligonian (Halifax)
Yes, there’s more to Halifax than just the bank and the Haligonian is the perfect place to learn about it while having a great time solving puzzles!