Make time for Outatime!
“Can you head back into the past and solve the puzzles left for you by the Professor to re-jig the thingamy whats-it and save human kind as we know it?!? You will be transported back through the decades, you will need to work with your team to overcome several obstacles that are currently blocking your only path home!
Our fourth and final game at Escapable, having previously played Loudini, Avast and Titanic, was the one that I was possibly looking forward to the most, Outatime. If you’re a child of the 80s and remember the masterpiece that is Back to the Future, then 100% this is the room for you – don’t hesitate, just get to Wakefield ASAP.
Escabaple is a short drive from Wakefield town centre, and actually also not a long walk, so whichever way you look at it, it’s quite convenient. We had a short amount of time between having finished Titanic and when we were due to start Outatime so we had a nice little break in the comfortable waiting area while we waited for the team in front of us to finish their game (and for the GM to reset).
After not too long, our GM, Mike reappeared and it was time to head back to the future… Unlike the other games as Escapable the first briefing was outside in the hallway, delivered by Mike, and then we had a secondary briefing in the game. We’re the first impressions of this game anything impressive? Not really, but fortunately it didn’t take long until we were on a time-hopping adventure.
Oh how I enjoyed my time in this room, ok the first space was a little uninspiring but once we moved on from there every room was a true joy and legitimately more exciting than the space that came before it. With time appropriate music playing at all times this room was a joy to be in, and one of the areas that we encountered brought back all the nostalgia feels.
The Escapable venue itself appears to be very accessible but I’m not 100% sure how accessible this room is. There is one area where your team members will need to crawl, but it would be worth contacting the venue to see if there is a work around for it.
This is a lovely game to play, but really where it excels is in its finale. The ending to Outatime was just a whole lot of fun and brought everything together nicely. Ok, there are probably some questionable legal rights on one or two things here, but forget about that and just enjoy the ride!
We played Outatime as a very experienced team of four with our friends Amy and Ian from Brit of an Escape Habit and we found we had plenty to keep us occupied, albeit for only 25 minutes. In a number of places the puzzles were non-linear so we were able to split up and work on things simultaneously, although there were the inevitable choke points that brought us back together (like the ending, have I mentioned how great the ending was?).
The puzzles were varied and enjoyable and all of them felt like they belonged in the specific room/time era that they were occupying. They culminated in a nice mixture of both padlocks and tech. I could list all the puzzle types that were in Outatime, but really I’m running ‘outatime’ myself as I need to pop out, so let’s just say that the puzzles were fair, logical, enjoyable, not overly search heavy, and ummm… good.
Mike did a good job hosting all of our games, and we gave him an easy ride in all of them. Outatime was another well put together game at Escapable that meant we didn’t need any assistance. If we had, I’m sure they would have been delivered promptly and they would have come over the speaker system in the room(s).
If you’re a fan of a certain 1985 film that features a DeLorean, a teen in a red gilet, and a ‘doc’, then look no further, you’ve found the room for you. Fun puzzles, a lovely set, and an ending that is one you’re sure to remember for a long time.
Success / Failure
Final Rating:
Operation | |
Puzzles | |
Room Design | |
GM/Clues | |
Excitement |
Team: 4 players – escaped in 25:04
Address: Thornes Lane Wharf, Wakefield WF1 5RL
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