Do we win a prize for making the GM break character?
This immersive experience challenges you and friends with an hour of hilarious clue solving as you attempt to win Chastity’s fabled aphrodisiac wine. Win and whet your whistle, or fail and wet your pants.
A trendy hipster pub in Clapham was the location for today’s escape room, with a games arcade-esque place upstairs and good food it wasn’t a bad place to pass the time until our game.
We were greeted by Gabe our GM and host for the game and he took us to what was basically a cupboard under the stairs. After finding out our team name and giving us a run down of the rules and the story behind Lady Chastity we were set free on the room.
Now by no stretch of the imagination is this a big room and as a team of five there wasn’t a lot of room to move around without getting in each other’s way.
There was plenty in the room to keep us occupied and we were able to work on different things at the same time which was nice. There was the usual standing around for some of the team but generally this was at a minimum.
This was a really enjoyable room and Handmade Mysteries have done a great job with the space they had. Liberating a bottle of wine that you then get to keep is a nice extra and I haven’t seen it repeated anywhere else.
*update* the wine was quite tasty, nothing fancy but palatable.
For such a small room it’s impressive how many puzzles they can fit in such a small space. The puzzles were quite varied and the difficulty level was set just right.
Often when you do a room there will be atleast one puzzle that you look back on and realise you didn’t enjoy it, but in this room there were none, we enjoyed them all.
As I said, this is basically a cupboard under the stairs but what they have crammed in is really impressive and it fits the theming perfectly. I actually liked the fact that you could see your ‘prize’ throughout the game, it reminded you what you were working towards – also felt a bit like dangling the carrot in front of the donkey!
A great GM added immensely to this experience, he stayed in character the entire time, only breaking it once when we made him laugh. He was just on the other side of a door so he knew what we had solved and if we get getting solved.
If we needed a nudge or a clue he would simple peer in through the door and advise us accordingly.
Handmade Mysteries don’t just do Escape Rooms, they really do go for the ‘experience’ route. I’m not sure but I wouldn’t be surprised if the GM was a trained actor, he was that good. I can’t wait to see if Handmade Mysteries release anymore rooms, and I really hope they do.
Success / Failure
Final Rating:
Operation | |
Puzzles | |
Room Design | |
GM/Clues | |
Excitement |
Team: 5 people – escaped in 45:09 (no clues)
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