This is a game that is sure to turn beginners into enthusiasts. The set design was beautiful and the puzzles were not the most challenging, but were fun.
Lock and Code: Homecoming (Taunton)
Homecoming takes place in a massive space and plays out in a mostly linear fashion. You’re unlikely to be blown away by the set, but you may see a puzzle or two that you haven’t seen before.
Lock and Code: Can Opener (Taunton)
A few too many red herrings and generally puzzles that just didn’t click with us meant that we didn’t particularly enjoy our time in this prison van – but that’s the idea of prison vans, right?
Lock & Code: Dead on the Hour (Taunton)
Lock & Code rooms won’t blow you away but they are solid rooms that will give you an hour of fun. Dead on the Hour was fun, and at times challenging, but once again we left Lock & Code with smiles on our faces