Hello, Owners!
If you’re an escape room owner and are looking for bloggers to review your room, then we would be delighted to help. Online rooms we can do any location (obviously), but physical rooms are trickier. We are based in London but often travel around the UK, and US doing rooms, so if you want to reach out then we can let you know when we’ll be in your neck of the woods.
Why Invite Us?
Other than the fact that we’re lovely people (that’s what our parents tell us anyway), we will post the review on our website, possibly on our social media pages (which are growing), and include it in our email newsletter that goes to our subscribers (when we remember to send it out).
Our blog is growing in popularity and we receive an increasing amount of engaged daily viewers. If you want to know some of our stats, then let us know – we would post them here but spies are everywhere…
Our promise
If you invite us to a room, we promise that we will aim to get an honest and unbiased review posted on our website as soon as possible (it will jump to the top of our list). In the unlikely event that we don’t like your game we will feedback to you privately before posting the review so you can address our concerns. But please note that once we post a review, good or bad, we won’t remove it.
You may have already noticed, but we don’t do ‘short’ reviews. If we review a physical or online escape experience, then we really review it. No ‘one paragraph’ reviews from us, it’s practically a novel!
Next Steps
If you want to contact us about playing your experience, then please either contact us by email on our contact page, or we’re also on Twitter and Facebook too.